
Monday, July 2, 2012

Call for "Late Breaking" Abstracts

*Deadline for abstract submissions: August 13, 2012

Brain Matters 3: 

Values at the Crossroads of Neurology,

Psychiatry and Psychology 

October 24th-25th, 2012

This conference provides a venue for
collaboration and learning in the area of neuroethics. The plenary
speakers of this conference will address ethical challenges in the
treatment and research for conditions with neurological symptomatology
but that are without identifiable biological correlates/causes. The
complexities of suffering and disability experienced by individuals with
these conditions are significant, including exposure to dangerous and
futile treatments.

Parallel sessions will include accepted
abstracts from a broad range of neuroethics interests.  At this
conference, presentations will be given by patients, physicians,
neuroscientists, and ethicists and is intended to appeal to a broad
audience.  Please see the call for abstracts and conference information

Please email abstracts to by August 13, 2012.


In recognition of the fast-paced nature of the neurosciences, we invite scholars and researchers to submit abstracts for poster presentations on specific topics that fall into one of the following 3 categories

  1. Empirical research projects that are works in progress or pilot projects

  2. Reviews of emerging controversies in the scientific or popular discourse

  3. Analysis of emerging legal and regulatory challenges in the neurosciences

The abstracts will be judged on relevance to novel and emerging topics, academic quality, and responsiveness to one or more categories of interest.


Please structure submissions according to the following sections:Background, Methods, Results/Analysis, Discussion, and Conclusion. Abstracts shouldbe no more than 250 words.

Please submit in a standard Microsoft Word file format with contact information and all of the authors' names within the body of the file.

Submission Process

Please email the completed abstract to by August, 13, 2012 with a subject line of "late breaking abstract." Early proposals are strongly encouraged.

Conference Registration

Email notification of acceptance will be sent by September 13, 2012. There will be a two-week

opportunity to confirm attendance at the conference once notification has been sent. Attendance is required for accepted submissions to be included in the program. All

presenters must register for Brain Matter 3 and are responsible for their travel, lodging

expenses, and registration fees for the conference. Please
note that the number of attendees will be limited due to meeting space
restrictions, therefore early registration is strongly encouraged. 

In collaboration with:

        Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center

        International Neuroethics Society

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